Tuesday’s Hamilton Sheep Market could be the turning point the industry has been waiting for.

With the commercial cattle sales finished for the year, the results of AuctionsPlus’ commercial cattle offerings have been tallied...
Aggregating several years of detailed transaction data through the AuctionsPlus platform, the AuctionsPlus Breed Hoofprint report ...
AuctionsPlus has recorded its largest commercial offering of the year, with 23,775 cattle listed for Friday’s sales.
With the final commercial cattle sales catalogued for the year, the results of AuctionsPlus’ commercial cattle offerings have been tallied for Q4. We look at how regions have been buying and selling during Q4.
An insight into the location of commercial cattle breeds listed on AuctionsPlus in the first three quarters of 2024.
AuctionsPlus has recorded its largest commercial offering of the year, with 23,775 cattle listed for Friday’s sales.
A comparison of the price spread in cents per kilogram cwt has shown the OYCI attracted as much as a 20% premium over the EYCI this year.
Animal protein production growth will slow as margins remain tight in 2024. Producers and processors will need to adapt, according to Rabobank’s Global Animal Protein Outlook.
Feeder steers showed a slight premium in the months of August, September and October before reversing in November. The premium was last seen in 2019.
China has jumped to second place in goat exports after explosive growth that saw their market share jump from 1.5% in 2022 to 20.1% in 2023.
Speaking in a recent RCS Australia webinar, Dr Terry McCosker shared some of the wisdom gained from growing up in the bush and his more than 55 years in the agriculture industry.
As the data availability grows for the Online Lamb Indicator, we will be able to measure spread and price behaviour across the season to see if predictable patterns exist.

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