AuctionsPlus commercial cattle listings lifted to 8,245 head, increasing by 16%. The larger offering was met with subdued demand as clearance slipped to 58% and Value Over Reserve fell to $77. Similar to this time last year, the cattle market may again need a good dose of confidence and sunshine to escape from the dark and gloomy doldrums of winter. However, a lack of confidence this time around can’t be pinned on exotic disease concerns, but on the uncertain seasonal and economic outlooks.

Commercial cattle listings on AuctionsPlus fell slightly to 7,085 head, decreasing by 3%. The reduced offering was met with health...
AuctionsPlus commercial cattle listings slipped to 7,284 head, decreasing 26%. Value over reserve increased $16 to average $113/he...
AuctionsPlus commercial cattle listings lifted slightly this week to 9,874 head. The small offering generated strong competition a...
Low prices and high pasture availability is causing greater retention of cattle on farm. Buying activity is likely to ramp up as we edge closer to spring and the days get longer.
AuctionsPlus commercial cattle listings slipped to 7,284 head, decreasing 26%. Value over reserve increased $16 to average $113/head, while clearance fell to 53%.
AuctionsPlus commercial cattle listings lifted slightly this week to 9,874 head. The small offering generated strong competition and saw clearance jump to 66% and VOR rise to $97/head.
Commercial cattle listings in AuctionsPlus slipped to 9,186 head, down 15% on last week. The smaller offering created competition between bidders and pushed clearance up to 54%.
Commercial cattle listings on the AuctionsPlus platform slipped to 10,869 head this week. The market was generally positive with Value Over Reserve increasing $33 to average $93, while clearance also improved to 43%, up 12% on last week.
Commercial cattle listings on AuctionsPlus totaled 12,693 head – down 15% from last week. The cattle market continues to experience challenging trading conditions with high supply of slaughter ready cattle and a lack of restocker demand placing downward pressure on prices
Commercial cattle listings on AuctionsPlus totaled 14,917 head – down 21% from last week. The fall in listings was driven by a 48% reduction in offerings out of Queensland.
Commercial cattle listings on AuctionsPlus rose by 7% this week to total 18,792 head. The largest single weekly listing of 2023 was met with subdued demand, resulting in a 38% clearance.

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