The Angus Youth National Roundup Auction raised almost $50,000 on Saturday night – the biggest fundraising auction total in the organisation’s 36-year history.

Joe Spicer from Hamilton is thrilled with the results of his GoGetta Kelpie Stud Working Dog sale hosted on AuctionsPlus.
Providing market insights at this stage in the cattle cycle is incredibly difficult, as you can become somewhat of a self-fulfilli...
A new price discovery tool provides insights into the successful sale results of similar livestock and with actual pricing data in...
GoGetta Kelpies' studmaster Joe Spicer was thrilled with the results of his January online sale.
Increased turn-off of livestock into late spring and summer poses further downside risk to prices. Some much-needed rain at the right time would see supply held back and support prices.
A new price discovery tool provides insights into the successful sale results of similar livestock and with actual pricing data in real-time supports assessors as they set reserves.
Downward pressure on prices will likely continue for the rest of the year, with the EYCI expected to be below 550c/kg cwt in December 2023.
The flexibility and versatility of the AuctionsPlus platform gives the power back to vendors.
Take a look at 12 standout highlights from 2022.
Listing an assessment with AuctionsPlus brings wide reaching national exposure - an added benefit of selling online through the platform.

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