Western Australian (WA) sheep producers have two primary alternatives to live export: channeling their livestock into the domestic processing sector within WA, provided the sector has the capacity and labor force to handle the increased volume, or transporting their sheep to the eastern states. However, the eastern states can be an unreliable destination.

Episode 3 aren’t in favour of a live sheep export phaseout as the science and the data doesn’t support the decision. However, if i...
Like many farmers, I’m reeling this week after the announcement on Saturday morning that live sheep export will be banned. In many...
Australia’s cattle herd has entered a maintenance phase underpinned by above-average female retention according to Meat & Live...
Learn about the proposed long-term phaseout process for live sheep export in Australia, including industry consultations, genetic improvements, and market expansions. Explore the challenges and opportunities in transitioning the supply chain by May 2028.
It's been a tough week, with the news of the live sheep export ban being felt across the agriculture industry. Steph Schmidt shares a few tools to help navigate good mental health during this difficult time.
Australia’s cattle herd has entered a maintenance phase underpinned by above-average female retention according to Meat & Livestock Australia’s (MLA) Cattle Industry Projections released today. 
Aussie beef export had their strongest opening since 2020 to be 30% above the January average over the last five years.
January 2024 saw the strongest opening to the Aussie lamb export season on record with 25,173 tonnes swt reported shipped offshore during the month.
Animal protein production growth will slow as margins remain tight in 2024. Producers and processors will need to adapt, according to Rabobank’s Global Animal Protein Outlook.
The outlook for inflation in agricultural commodities is far more positive than in previous years, but it's not yet time to toast a recovery, according to Rabobank.
The profitability of beef processors has hit a record. Find out the factors contributing to this positive trend and the implications for the beef industry.
The 25,761 tonnes of beef shipped to the US was the highest monthly volume since June 2020.

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