While the start of 2023 has seen the softening of commercial goat prices as processors prioritise the backlog of lambs still hitting the market, demand for quality bucks is still high, highlighting the long-term confidence in the industry.

AuctionsPlus is Australia’s largest cattle market, with record throughput for the past twelve months of 829,022 head (1 January 20...
Held across four action packed days, the 2023 Nutrien Classic registered another year of record-breaking results.
The Australian sheep and lamb industry has undergone a significant shift during the past five years, moving from rapid destocking ...
The AuctionsPlus Insights team has broken down the average prices for the top ten listed breeds this last quarter.
The total sale grossed $17,092,000, with 523 horses selling to a 90% clearance rate and an overall average of $32,681, up 20% on last year - setting a new sale average record.
Seasonal changes, along with market fluctuations across wool and lamb, has had a significant impact on the composition of lamb offered through AuctionsPlus.
Property highlights for the year included the $16.05 million sale of a Bombala, NSW property - the highest grossing property sale sold on AuctionsPlus.
2022 was another year of record sale results for AuctionsPlus, with gross merchandise sales reaching $3.067 billion last calendar year.
The larger supply of cattle in the market has supported downward pressure on prices, as market fundamentals point to a considerably cheaper market this year compared to the historical highs of 2022.
AuctionsPlus sheep and lamb listings continue to roar back to life in 2023, with tomorrow’s offering of 145,283 head the largest ever January listing.
Across the final quarter of 2022, lamb listings increased by 112% from the previous quarter, to total 715,415 head – 61% of total sheep and lamb throughput.
Australian mutton exports to China for the past calendar year reached 57,246 tonnes swt, on par with 2021 volumes, but down 42% on 2019 figures.

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