AuctionsPlus News

Lamb is being billed as the "the ultimate social device" in Meat & Livestock Australia's (MLA) new spring advertising campaign. The ad parodies tech commercials and showcases lamb as a tool for bringing people together.

Lamb is being billed as the "the ultimate social device" in Meat & Livestock Australia's (MLA) new spring advertising campa...

The live export of dairy heifers, especially to China, has been highly profitable for Australian dairy farmers, providing valua...

Australian dairy heifer exports are facing challenges due to declining Chinese demand, as noted in a Rabobank report. While Southeast Asia presents new opportunities, trade risks and policy shifts remain significant hurdles for the sector.
The 2024 Fitzroy Crossing Bull Sale will mark yet another milestone in the event’s storied history as one of Australia's most remote bull sales, with AuctionsPlus providing an online interface for the first time, connecting buyers from across the country.


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