AuctionsPlus News

Aggregating several years of detailed transaction data through the AuctionsPlus platform, the AuctionsPlus Breed Hoofprin...

Aggregating several years of detailed transaction data through the AuctionsPlus platform, the Auc...

The 2022 calendar year saw AuctionsPlus again deliver record sale results, with gross merchandise sales reaching $3.067 billion...

The 2021-22 financial year consolidated AuctionsPlus commercial growth, enabling producers to utilize the national exposure of ...

AuctionsPlus CEO, Angus Street, acknowledges that more people are looking to trade, share and collaborate online with more than...

The hard work and skills of students paid-off in many ways over the weekend, with AuctionsPlus hosting the Read More

Since AuctionsPlus first article for the White Suffolk society newsletter in June 2021, listings for the breed on AuctionsPlus ...

The past week saw some astounding results for four rural properties sold exclusively through AuctionsPlus, totaling $31.5 milli...

AuctionsPlus quarterly “Buyer and Seller Regional Rankings” has been developed by the AuctionsPlus Market Insights (AMI) team t...

Unprecedented, robust and record-breaking. Three features which encompass the online commercial sheep, lamb, and cattle sales o...

2020-21 was an unprecedented year for many reasons – from Covid restrictions, rain, prices and results. For AuctionsPlus, the 2...

15,000 head of Droughtmaster listings have been offered on AuctionPlus for the January to May period of 2021.

Steers 20...

So far in 2021, there have been 3,247 Brangus cattle offered through AuctionsPlus sales – approximately 1,000 more than in 2020...

So far in 2021, there has been 16,000 head of Brahman commercial cattle offered through AuctionsPlus.

The heavier Brahm...

The Angus breed was easily the largest across the AuctionsPlus cattle sales for January - May 2021, with the 25,562 head offere...

The number of Charbray cattle offered through AuctionsPlus so far in the first five months of 2021 has been significantly highe...

A total of 10,064 head of Santa Gertrudis cattle have been offered so far on AuctionsPlus for 2021.

Light steers 200-28...

To date in 2021, there has been 3,989 head of Shorthorn cattle offered on AuctionsPlus.

Light steers, 200-280kg livewei...

So far in 2021, AuctionsPlus prices for young Hereford steers, 200-280kg liveweight, averaged $1,428/head. The 2021 average was...

Described as ‘record high,’ ‘phenomenal’ and ‘astounding’, the Australian cattle market for January 2021 has surged well beyond...

As the year draws to a close and the number of cattle transacting through the systems holds firm, the AuctionsPlus Market Insig...

As Covid-19 restrictions brought a halt to interstate movements for Australians throughout 2020, the sheep and lamb trade accel...

Leading up to the traditional Southern Weaner selling season, the AuctionsPlus Market Insights (AMI) team has reviewed ma...

To say that the store market is “in a good space” would be an understatement. COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on almost every corner...

Corresponding with significantly better seasonal conditions during the past three months, the AuctionsPlus Market Insights team...

Supply challenges, primarily due to drought conditions, combined with robust overseas demand has seen lamb prices across all st...

Weaning calves off their mothers at the point of sale has had a long-standing industry perception that stock will be discounted...

The AuctionsPlus Breed Hoofprint report showcases the indicative location of purebred commercial cattle in Australia. See the hotspots for your breed.
An insight into the location of commercial cattle breeds listed on AuctionsPlus in the first three quarters of 2024.
2022 was another year of record sale results for AuctionsPlus, with gross merchandise sales reaching $3.067 billion last calendar year.
Fast start to the 2021-22 financial year delivers record sales and views
The fourth annual edition of the JAD Speckle Park Bull and Female Sale, held on Friday April 1st, delivered outstanding results for the rapidly growing breed, underpinned by extensive catalogue views and user logins.
2021 has been an exciting year, AuctionsPlus has seen an increasing number of vendors and agents looking to gain access to a larger pool of buyers who are coming from further afield to purchase.
The hard work and skills of students paid-off in many ways over the weekend, with AuctionsPlus hosting the Tocal Approved Australian Stock Horse Sale.
Since AuctionsPlus first article for the White Suffolk society newsletter in June 2021, listings for the breed on AuctionsPlus have continued to increase.
The past week saw some astounding results for four rural properties sold exclusively through AuctionsPlus, totaling $31.5 million.


News that inspires, educates and celebrates life and work in regional Australia.