

Together Thank A Farmer have one goal – to showcase where Australian food and fibre comes from, who makes it and how it’s made. The Thank A Farmer For Your Next Meal brand aims to promote the Australian agricultural industry and its primary producers to a wider audience in order to close the continually widening gap between producer and consumer, city and bush.


It's Been Raining Cats and Dogs!

These last few weeks you would certainly be forgiven for saying that it has been raining cats and dogs. With massive rainfall events happening over much of the east coast of Australia, we would like to use this week’s blog to encourage you as a reader to jump on the phone and make call to someone you know who is or may be in a flood affected area. Check in on them, see how they are going and see if there is anything you can do to help out.

Some of the Best

This week we celebrate some of the best with a collection of happy snaps from around rural Australia. From herding cattle on horseback, to counting sheep and goats... we even have a happy doggo enjoying a swim! These photos demonstrate the vast landscapes across our country and celebrates the people who live in them.

Here's to Strong Women: International Women’s Day

With International Women’s Day taking place earlier in the week we thought it’d be a great opportunity to share with you some of the great captures we have seen over the years of these truly outstanding ladies. We’d also like to thank and recognise them for their unwavering contribution to the Australian Agricultural Industry as it certainly wouldn’t be what it is today without their input.

Cream of the Crop Australia's Rural Photographers

As promised, we’d love to share with you some of what we believe are the absolute “cream of the crop” when it comes to Australia’s rural photographers. Some of these extremely talented men and women have been a part of the Thank A Farmer journey since our inception in 2014 and are fundamentally responsible for the success that we have had to date.

Showcasing Australian Agriculture

Check out some of our latest posts! This week we have sheep, we have cattle, and we even have puppies... just some more of the outstanding content coming in from our followers all across the country showcasing the best of Australian agriculture.

Ripper Snaps

A couple of the more recent ripper snaps we’ve had the pleasure of sharing with our followers to help you get through the week! We sure do have some talented rural photographers here in Australia. In the coming weeks we’d like to showcase a few of our favourites, so stay tuned for our upcoming “rural photographers” themed blog.

A Stark Contrast

This week we’d like to share some amazing captures illustrating the stark contrast that has become evident over the past 12 – 18 months. It’s amazing to see how far we have come in such a short amount of time and here’s to a better 2021!

Promoting Aussie Ag & Its Primary Producers

Our goal when we started Thank A Farmer For Your Next Meal was to promote Aussie Ag and it’s primary producers. A big part of our business is our merchandise, which we utilise to start positive conversations about agriculture.

Thank a Farmer's best birds eye views

Jim Honner Drone technology has been widely embraced by the adaptive Australian Agricultural Industry. The use of them allows for improved efficiency in varied aspects of the farming process. Including crop mapping, surveying, monitoring and planting, livestock management and crop spraying. A spin off of the greatly increased drone use, has been the taking of some truly epic photos!

Thank A Farmer signing off for 2020!

Jim & I would like to wrap up this week by saying thank you to all our followers for your ongoing support and for all the amazing photos that have been sent in over what has been a weird but wonderful 2020. Your contribution to the agricultural sector does not go unnoticed and we applaud your outstanding efforts. Finally, we wish you all a safe and joyful holiday period and hope that Santa brings us a better 2021!

Thank A Farmer Favourites

This week we’ve decided to showcase some of our favourite photos. The quantity and quality of the photos we receive from all across Australia, has enabled us to put together a gallery of magnificent photos. It has been our pleasure over the past 5 years to showcase the pride producers have in the food and fibre they produce to a wide audience of both consumers and producers.

Australia's Primary Producers #PhotoLibrary

This week’s gallery showcases a few of the friendly faces that you may come across on your travels throughout rural Australia. Personally, I have the strong belief that Aussie farmers and primary producers are some of the most genuine and down to earth people that you will ever meet. Their constant dedication to the industry and hard work is second to none, especially when faced with times of turmoil and seasonal hardship. If you are reading this, this week I set you with the task of asking someone in our industry how they first got involved in Agriculture. You’ll be amazed with the some of the stories that you’ll hear

The growing of a canola crop

Jim Honner This week's photo library focuses on growing the Canola crop. Canola is an important crop in the planting relation, with an estimated 550,000 hectares sown down in NSW alone in 2020. The oil that is extracted from the seed post harvest is commonly used for cooking, and in food processing plants. As well as being used in the production of bio diesel and bio plastics. Whilst the by-products which are left over after the seeds are crushed and the oil extracted include; animal feed pet food and fertiliser.

#MakingHay - Our favourite shots from the last five years

After spending a few days bouncing around on the tractor picking up baIes I thought it’d be fitting to dedicate this week’s photo library to ‘making hay’. Below you’ll find some of our favourite shots from the @ThankAFarmerForYourNextMeal instagram account from over the years.

#Harvest2020 - Check out some of the best harvest shots so far this year

With the 2020 harvest well and truly underway it is great to see the headers gradually moving south with many farmers across the country reaping the benefits of what has been an interesting year to say the least.

Australia’s Future Farmers

My fondest childhood memories are all from growing up on our family farm west of Forbes in central west New South Wales. Whether it was helping dad move a mob of sheep, weighing cattle and writing down their weights, or helping him with the irrigation (mainly by holding the torch at that stage), these were all activities that majority of Australian’s will never get to experience in their lifetime.